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What Is Reiki?
At it's core, Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique used to promote healing through a deep state of relaxation and stress reduction. However, if you've ever experienced the power of a Reiki session for yourself, or your animal(s), you're already aware that it has the potential to be so much more. Now actively studied and measured in the scientific and medical communities, Reiki has been so effective at helping both humans and animals that many hospitals, assisted living facilities, treatment centers, as well as the VA, now seek Reiki practitioners to help provide that level of healing for their patients and staff.
(For the same compendium of articles that I give to my students during class, click HERE to download)
Reiki sessions offered here at Work of Heart are approved through the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT), the governing body of Reiki practitioners that adheres to a strict code of ethics and standards of practice to ensure that all clients can go into their sessions with trust and confidence.
~Abby Malvestuto, LMT #227.022968
*ICRT Certified Holy Fire III/Usui Reiki Master Teacher
*ICRT Certified Animal Reiki Master Teacher
Discount Program:
Discounts available on Healing Touch services & Reiki classes with valid ID for: Military, Veterans, Emergency Response, Service Animals, and Animal Rescue & Rehab workers.
1 uur
90 Amerikaanse dollar1 uur
100 Amerikaanse dollar