Previously known as "The Natural Horsewoman", Owner Abby Malvestuto has taken her principles of patience, trust, and respect, and expanded on them through Work of Heart. Today, she is able to apply those same methods to her own horses and foals; ensuring that each horse, regardless of age or background, has a solid foundation for a successful life and career in any discipline as a well-adjusted member of any herd.

Barock Pintos:
Elegance & Athleticism
A relatively young horse breed started in the 1950's in the Netherlands, Barock Pinto horses are the product of crossing Friesian horses with Warmbloods. The resulting horse has the temperament, character, and beauty of the Friesian combined with the drive and athleticism of the warmblood.
All Barock Pinto foals produced by Work of Heart Farm come from DNA-verified championship pedigrees on both the Friesian and Warmblood sides. They are also eligible for double registration with both the Friesian Sporthorse Association (FSA) and the Barock Pinto Studbook (BPS).

Gypsy Cobs:
Magical Beauty & Temperament
As a child, when I closed my eyes and imagined my dream horse it didn't look like Secretariat. It was a unicorn- one drenched in mane and feather; thick with bone and personality. It wasn't until I was 16 that I learned these horses had a name- the Gypsy Cob.
While the Gypsy Cob is also a relatively young horse breed, its pedigree and history are deeply entrenched in some of the oldest horse breeds; combined to serve a population of humans equally rich in history and folklore- The Romani people. While the exact origins of the breed are unknown since Romani history was passed down by word of mouth, what we DO know is that sometime around WWI the Romani people capitalized on the British Army's aversion for coloured horses to be purchased and used for war, and worked tirelessly to create a horse that could truly do it all.
By combining the small size of Fell and Dales ponies with the temperament, feather, and sturdiness of the Clydesdale and Shire horses, the end result was a horse that was trustworthy and safe for every member of the family- no matter how small. Stories abound of this even-tempered, unflappable, people-loving horse allowing small children to play between their feet, or be brought into the home during harsh weather. A horse bred for tight-knit family groups first and foremost, with looks to match. While faults in colour, pattern, feather, or conformation were seen as room for improvement, the Romani people would NEVER suffer an ill-tempered horse.
Irish Cob vs Gypsy Cob vs. Gypsy Vanner?
They're the same horse. In the UK (where they originated), these horses are known as Gypsy Cobs and have their registry in the mother studbook, the Traditional Gypsy Cob Association (TGCA). In the 90's when Gypsy Cobs were imported into the United States, a small group of individuals decided on a new breed name and registry, the Gypsy Vanner Horse Society (GVHS). In 2003, a USA registry truly committed to the preservation of the UK breed standard was developed, the Gypsy Horse Registry of America (GHRA). Irish Cobs were developed by the Romani people who remained in Ireland, and also have their own registry, the Irish Cob Studbook (ICS). The one thing on which all people who are passionate about this horse agree: This breed isn't a colour- it's a type! Gypsy Cobs come in a wide variety of colors, sizes, and patterns; sure to capture the hearts and souls of horse lovers worldwide.
At Work of Heart Farm, I choose to pay respect to the rich history and origins of my horses and prefer to call them Gypsy Cobs/Irish Cobs accordingly. I am also committed to the preservation of the breed to the original breed standard. As such, all Gypsy Cobs produced by Work of Heart Farm are DNA-verified and eligible for registry with TGCA, ICS, and GHRA.

* 62,5 % frisón x 37,5 % sangre caliente holandesa
* Color probado: hÃgado/castaño y blanco, homocigoto pinto/tobiano
* 16.1hh+, circunferencia del hueso del cañón: 9.5"+
* Fecha de nacimiento: 26/05/2009
Engendrado por el prestigioso Nico de Hidden Promise Sporthorses , Destiny ha mostrado una gracia, temperamento y atletismo excepcionales desde su nacimiento, todos los rasgos que ha transmitido a sus potros. Su increÃble linaje presenta caballos de alto rendimiento en las estratosferas Friesian, Friesian Sporthorse y Dutch Warmblood (Nico x Leffert x Ed King Hill x Samber), asà como notables Warmbloods responsables de su impresionante patrón pinto (Samber x Nico), sus magnÃficas cantidades de cabello (Oege), y su fÃsico barroco-clásico (Jochem x Leffert). Ella es, sin duda, un sueño hecho realidad.
Su pedigrà habla por sà mismo y se evidencia aún más por su media hermana, la Reina Adiah HP de Grand Prix Dressage (el parecido familiar es sorprendente), y su medio sobrino estrella en ascenso, Battlefield Angel HP "Ezra" . Ella tiene un poderoso movimiento trasero, una hermosa extensión y el cerebro y la belleza para igualar. Actualmente se encuentra entrenando para que pase de ser una yegua de crÃa a una compañera segura de conducción y conducción.
Ser homocigoto para el gen Pinto/Tobiano significa que el 100% de sus potros heredarán su patrón. Destiny y sus potros están registrados por ADN con la Friesian Sporthorse Association y la Barock Pinto Association, EE. UU.

* 62,5 % frisón x 37,5 % sangre caliente holandesa
* Color probado: hÃgado/castaño y blanco, homocigoto pinto/tobiano
* 16.1hh+, circunferencia del hueso del cañón: 9.5"+
* Fecha de nacimiento: 26/05/2009
All the way from Yorkshire, UK, allow me to formally introduce Hermits Snow White!
A heavy, hairy, affectionate, 2 blue eye, TGCA registered mare who will become the cornerstone of both my Gypsy Cob and Equine Assisted Therapy programs here at Work of Heart. She moves like a dream, her colour is Silver Black Dapple, Sabino (aka blagdon) Tobiano, and she has one more surprise: She will be coming here to the USA already in foal to Willowsway Lawbreaker ("Bandit") and due on July 22, 2024!!
This foal will come with the highly sought-after Hermits lineage plus the legendary pedigrees of SD Chanel, Bob the Blagon, The Lob, The Producer, The Roadsweeper UK, White Horse, Old Paddy Horse, and so many more staples of Traditional Gypsy Cob quality.
There is a very good chance this foal will be staying, but stay tuned! Foal color possibilities: black sabino (like dad), silver dapple sabino, black tobiano, silver dapple tobiano. UPDATE: IT'S A BOY!
More info, pics, and videos to come and I CANNOT be more honored to have her in my program!