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Updated: Jun 28, 2023

Born 6/24/23 at 10pm, my little Nachtdanseres WOH finally made her grand entrance! Like the queen I hoped she would be, she absolutely arrived both fashionably late (3 days late) and in style. JUST LOOK AT HER! I am in LOOOOOVE!

After 3 nights of foal watch, I made a quick prayer for Destiny, and within minutes, as I pulled up to the barn, my car door was flung open with, "YOUR FOAL IS ON THE GROUND!". In Destiny's typical "expect the unexpected" fashion, she waited for the 10min window when she was alone to literally lay down, foal out, and then stand right back up to continue eating! Clearly, Destiny doesn't understand the need for all the pomp & circumstance LOL.

This is the first time Destiny has had a baby with this much CHROME and I couldn't be more pleased with the results. Shortly after she stood up for the first time, the thunder and lightning rolled in with thunderous applause as though Odin and Thor themlseves were in celebration of the arrival of another worthy warhorse.

She was let out to pasture with Destiny by lunchtime the next day, and early movement indicates that this little filly is absolutely going to be one to watch in the ring! She has the looks, brain, movement, and attitude of an absolute superstar!

HUGE congratulations to Kelly H. for stealing my dream foal hahaha. Kelly, I am BEYOND excited that you rolled the dice on an in-utero foal and absolutely hit the JACKPOT!

Sire: Wylster 463 Sport Elite AAA

Dam: Destiny

More gorgeous and "official" pictures to come once she unfolds those LONG legs all the way! She was born a full hand taller than Vision (who is tracking to hit 17.1h!).

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